Newborn sessions are unique! Because the star of the show is a tiny baby who can’t be reasoned with or bribed to cooperate for pictures our best strategy is to prepare. I suggest trying to keep baby awake a bit before the session (if you can’t – no worries! We don’t want anyone overly stressing!). Then feed baby as much as possible right before you leave to come here. If you have a pacifier for baby please bring it along as it can help settle baby in to a pose.

Babies are all different – some come in and don’t make a peep, while others are more alert and aware that I’m moving them all around so may need a little more comforting. Just bring along whatever you need to feed baby in case they get hungry.

You don’t need to bring along any outfits for baby unless there is something special you’d like to incorporate into some images. I have wraps, outfits, hats and headbands here for us to use.

I love meeting all these brand new babes and there is just something so special about newborn sessions. Babies change so quickly and they will never be this little again and it is such an honor to capture these fleeting moments!
Raleigh Newborn Photography Sessions
I suggest booking your newborn session prior to baby’s birth. That guarantees you a session within the first 14 days after baby’s birth. Then all you need to do is contact me as soon as baby arrives and then we will pick a day and time that works for you for your session! You can book your session online at this link:
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